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A meeting place for scientists

Aug 25, 2023

The Working Group Mineralogical Museums and Collections of the German Mineralogical Society meets every year at the Munich Show to exchange experiences. The tasks of custodians are manifold, they preserve, document and complete a collection of immeasurable value, because especially objects from historical sites are irretrievable. Many objects are used for research, while others are important for teaching. In the museums and collections, scientists, among others, have the opportunity to present their research work to a broad public. At the Munich Show, for example, the curators of the working group exchange ideas about new exhibition formats or jointly develop special exhibitions that can be shown in various cities throughout the country. As educational institutions for students, schoolchildren and other interested parties, museums and collections are required to adapt their content and objects to the respective target group. For this purpose, activity-oriented or curriculum-adapted concepts are developed. A well-functioning network is very important here.