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Press Area

We are very pleased that you want to report on the MUNICH SHOW and will fully support you to facilitate your work.


We want to make it easier for you to access information about our event by offering journalists the opportunity to apply for accreditation. However, media accreditation will only be granted to those who will report on the event. For this reason, the Munich Mineral Days Trade Fair GmbH reserves the right to request proof of your work, even if you present a press ID.

To receive a press ticket, you need a confirmed press accreditation. Please refer to our accreditation guidelines for this.

If you meet the accreditation requirements and can provide the necessary proof, we look forward to your online registration:

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The Munich Show 2023

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The Munich Show 2023


Amethyst wings

Malachite object

Quartz object

Decorative object bird

Decorative object parrot

Gemstone Queen Cecile Elligsen

Entrance area Messe München

Managing Director Munich Show Christoph Keilmann

Boy with gemstones

Boy with Triceratops Willard

Children's event gemstone cutting

Gold panning for children

Decorative object kingfisher

Winner of the collector's showcase competition

Jewellery determination stand

Special exhibition Art d´Objet

Special exhibition Art d´Objet

Top minerals

Triceratops Willard

Top minerals

Young Designers´Corner

3D printing

Amethyst glands

Amethyst heart

Display case with top minerals

Rock crystal

The Munich Show team

Decorative object made of quartz

Decorative objects made from minerals

Decorative object made from minerals



Cut gemstones at Gemworld

Polished gemstones

Gold in the Mineral Pavilion

Trade in gemstones

Necklaces with real stones

Necklaces with real stones

Children's activity: looking for crystals

Children's campaign

Minerals at the Munich Show

Buy minerals

Mineral hunter with find


Quartz in a display case

Quartz in a display case

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz

Buying jewellery

Jewellery trends at Gemworld

Jewellery trends at Gemworld

Rock crystal and gemstone pot

Triceratops Willard

Display case with top minerals

Display case with top minerals

Press Contact

Münchner Mineralientage Fachmesse GmbH
modem conclusa gmbh
Jutastraße 5
80636 München

Anna Borchers
E-Mail: Borchers@modemconclusa.de
Tel.: 089 746 308-0
Fax: 089 746 308-49