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“European Open 2023” Gemstone Cutting Competition

Apr 25, 2023

The Facetters Guild is once again calling the 2023 Gemstone Cutters Competition and awarding prizes to the winners at the Munich show. The theme this year is “synthetic corundum”.

This is the third time that the Swiss Facetters Guild has announced the “European Open” competition. Ambitious cutters can send in their creations until October 25, 2023, and the winners will be determined by public vote at the Munich Show. “The competition is open to all cutters – both professional cutters and amateurs,” says Ekaterina Keymer, vice president of the Facetters Guild.

On site, Gemworld Munich visitors then judge the stones they like best. “We don’t specify a theme other than the stone, to encourage the cutters to give free rein to their creativity,” says Ekaterina Keymer.

Each stone has something special – be it the color, the cut, the design or the shape. The audience is allowed to judge five stones each. “Since the stones are not judged by a panel of experts, the focus is not on precision or adherence to a particular motto. We deliberately want to appeal to the tastes of people – who are also otherwise the buyers of a gemstone,” Keymer says. In the past, the winning stone usually emerged quickly. The first three winners each receive a medal, a certificate and a cash prize.

How can one participate in the competition?

Each participant may submit one faceted gemstone. Deliberately, amateur facetters are also encouraged to send in their works.

The material must be a synthetic corundum, the choice of design as well as the color are free. Stones with concave facets are also allowed. The size must be at least 8 mm in the smallest dimension.

All info about the contest as well as the entry form is available at:
